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Family Letter and Consent Form for COVID-19 Testing

Attached you will find a letter and FAQ that describes this initiative, along with a consent form that families need to sign and return in order for us to administer a COVID-19 test to their student. It is vital that we receive as many consent forms as possible, so please strongly urge your families to comply with this request. We know there will be many questions, and we are hopeful that these documents will answer them. Translations are available at

As discussed last week, beginning in October, our testing partners will test a randomly selected group of staff and students in schools once per month. The number of children and staff to be tested each month will depend on the size of the school population. In addition to the random monthly testing, we are also working hard to offer in-school testing later this year for students who are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or are a confirmed close contact of someone in the school who has tested positive. The test is easy, quick, and safe. This test is a short, small swab (like a Q-Tip) that goes just in the front of the nose, instead of the “long swab” that goes in the back of the nose. Later this school year, it is possible that tests will be administered by collecting a small amount of saliva (spit).

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